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Monday, January 28, 2008


THE GANODERMA TREATMENT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ganoderma, a rare variety of Mushroom, is indeed a subject of much research from ancient china of 100 B.C. or earlier to the modern times by various universities and research organizations .It is credited with the highest medicinal qualities by Chinese.It is also known as Linghzi in China. It is said that in ancient times anyone who found the rare Linghzi never revealed where and kept it a secret of health, longevity and wealth.The Japanese revered the herb as کGod's Herb"™ where it is known as Reishi. Lingzhi was considered in medicine so auspicious that it's medical efficacy has been attested to in the oldest Chinese medical text (over 2,000 years old), "The Lexicon", which is known in Japan as "Shinnoh Honsohkyo", and is now accepted as being the original textbook of Oriental medical science.In it, 365 kinds of medicines are classified and explained. Ganoderma is classified as a "Superior Herbs" or "God's Herbs" and they are for perpetual youth and longevity. This encyclopaedia states that for "superior" medicines, any amount can be taken as desired on a continuous basis with no unfavourable effects. Of the superior medicines listed in the text, Lingzhi was rated number one.Centuries ago, Lingzhi was said to be an elixir which would grant you eternal youth and longevity. It gained its ranking in the Chinese text not because of its symbolism as a good omen but because of its medicinal properties. The Linghzi Mushrooms grows only on old tree barks with certain conditions difficult to replicate. Till 1971 the mushroom was so rare that it was hardly sited except in certain mountainous areas. Many researchers had attempted to grow Ganoderma artificially but failed. Then in 1971 organised by Naoi Department of Agriculture and Professor Zenzaburo Kasai, the Kyoto University made a breakthrough in its cultivation.But now, after 2,000 years, Lingzhi has come into the spotlight as a specific remedy for cancer. This flies in the face of those in the modern medical profession who discounted the herbal remedies and oriental medicine as being as being "Myth" and "psycho-somatic"! The families of many cancer patients who have received a diagnostic "death sentence" now see Lingzhi or Reishi as the right way forward. Some are indignant that knowledge of it was withheld from them by the drug companies! Presently only 10 countries grow the herb. The demand far outstrips supply due to the increasing evidence through various researches on its efficacy in treating many disease including Cancer, HIV, Hepatitis, Diabetes, Liver disorders and mainly as a preventive due its rich anti oxidant and detoxifying qualities.Some of the research in Japan indicates strictly speaking those expressly berate taken Ganoderma for over a year the visit to doctors dropped follow half. There is thousands of research paper available including on the internet on the subject of the healing breakthroughs achieved by Ganoderma in various treatments and too lengthy to discuss here. Many of the currently available anti-cancer agents are derived form natural products, for instance paclitaxel (Taxol), and camptothecin (Hycamtin) amongst many others.In 2000 Professor Gordon McVie, Director-General of the Cancer Research Campaign (now Cancer Research UK) and Professor John Smith of University of Strathclyde met in Glasgow to discuss the role of medicinal mushrooms in the treatment of cancer. The CRC had become aware that these natural products were being used extensively in the Far East as nutriceuticals (dietary supplements) and as a source for the generation of pharmaceutical-grade medicines to treat a wide variety of diseases, including cancer.The substantial range of medicinal mushroom species from which different bioactive compounds can be derived suggested that the humble mushroom could be a source of novel anti-cancer agentsSummarized from these reports, it is found specially Lingzhi has the following properties and Improves cholesterosis, coronary insufficiency. Improves hyper and hypotensions. Improves nervous tension, neurosis. Improves chronic bronchitis, hepatitis. Improves leukocytopenia and reticuloendothelial system. The three main killers these days are: Cancer, Stroke and Coronary diseases. The latter two have their foundation closely linked to the blood circulatory system. Related problems like stroke, heart block, arteriosclerosis, obesity etc. are all tied to problems in the blood circulation. One out of three persons dies occasionally one of the above ailments everyday. Lingzhi can correct this imbalance and strengthen the system to prevent further deterioration. What are noteworthy are its preventive capabilities. For the 21st century man, stressed out, poisoned by the polluted atmosphere, bad food habits and drug induced illnesses of the today medicine. While current medicine has been very effective in treating certain conditions effectively and immediately, they do not address the holistic medicine approach of the ancient medicine as a preventive and for regeneration of wasted tissues and overwhelmed cells. Ganoderma has been proven to exert significant effect on beating pain, fortifying the body's immune system and prolonging life. Even though its role in cancer cure has not been determined 100 percent …………yet. Ganoderma has a history of 3,000 years, during which it is widely used by many people with no reported unfavourable side effects. It is therefore highly recommend for prevention. Hopefully, with so much research and emerging evidence, Ganoderma can bring a brighter outlook to everybody. Frank Duffy,
About the Author
Frank Duffy, The “Beat Cancer Man” Author’s URL: Frank Duffy is a retired managerial professional, and author of “How I Fought Cancer and Won!” He writes regular articles on the subject and is always on the look out for ways to help cancer sufferers and their families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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