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Monday, January 28, 2008

Holistic and Non-Traditional Cures for Cancer

Holistic and non-traditional cancer treatments focus on the whole body, rather than just on the illness or part of the body. These treatments focus on the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional elements of the body, which are interconnected to maintain wellness. These therapies are used to prevent illness, reduce stress, prevent or reduce side effects and control or cure disease.Holistic and Non-Traditional approaches to Cure CancerHolistic and non-traditional treatment looks at disease as primarily resulting from internal imbalance. Non-traditional therapies are unconventional, unproven therapies that reject conventional treatments. While holistic therapies are used in combination with standard medical care and given by licensed or certified therapists.Non-Traditional Cancer TreatmentsNon-traditional therapies are used instead of conventional cancer treatments. Many of the most popular non-traditional therapies are including psychosocial such as relaxation practice, meditation and visual imagery are unlikely to pose threats to patients’ health. Besides these, there are certain important therapies such as,• Acupuncture: It is a technique of insertion of filiform needles into acupuncture points with an intension to restore the health and well-being.• Aromatherapy: It is the therapeutic use of aromatic essential oils to promote physical and psychological well-being.• Magnetotherapy: This therapy used by the application of magnets to the surface of the patient’s body. It is used to stimulate the recovery of the whole metabolism and reduce the deficiency of bone mineral substance. • Coffee enemas: These are the quick ways to remove toxins from the colon and body. A non-traditional doctor, or physician should only perform them under supervision.The other non-traditional therapies are, Cellular Therapy, Diet therapy, Herbal Therapy, Psychic Surgery, Shark cartilage therapy.Holistic Cancer Treatments An increasing number of health professionals are now exploring holistic cancer treatment options that encompass the whole individual, where the traditional treatment options form only art of the story. • Nutrition Therapy: Maintaining a healthy diet is the best way to provide the body with the nourishment it needs to fight cancer. • Naturopathy: It focuses only on using the healing powers of nature such as air, water and sunlight.• Pain Control: To certain extent medication can be used to manage pain. The pain could be brought on by the cancer itself or as its side effects. • Zeolite: It is a fast and powerful mineral substance with the ability to destroy cancer cells. They improve the alkalinity of the body and activate the P21 gene that can destroy the nucleus of cancerous cells.• Oxygen Therapy: It is a form of holistic treatment based upon the premise that all harmful bacteria, germs and viruses are anaerobic. They cannot resist in high oxygen environments. To maintain good health and vitality, the human body requires a rich supply of oxygen. Thus, holistic and non-traditional treatment approaches from several angles to cure cancer and suggests that a person should not only treat the illness but also have to reach a higher level of wellness.
About the Author
A Better Choice Foundation supports the search for a cure for cancer, emphasizing a non- traditional, holistic approach to a patient's Physical and emotional well-being. Rod Khleif is the founder of A Better Choice Foundation. Rod Khleif is a Florida’s real estate business man helping hundreds of people realizing their dream of owning a home.

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